Transforming Lives Into Unlimited Possibilities

Transitioning Lives Into Unlimited Possibilities

our Mission

Releasing Limitations.
Providing Structure.
Enhancing Stability.


Restoring communities with the intellect and ability for success. With a renewed mind and fulfillment of various programs leading to endless opportunities.

What We Do

Living Under Grace Inc. assists young adolescents and adults ages 12-25 in establishing long lasting relationships between families, employers, and mentors. An opportunity to create and build a strong foundation and stability for each individual person. We provide housing and resources for adolescents and adults without escapes. We teach our clients to combat life’s obstacles through positive actions and with increased education. While allowing them time for growth to display the meaning of true success. 

African American Male student in Cleveland, Ohio receiving group therapy session

Sameera Moore RN, BSN


Rashonda Harris LPN

Vice President

John Mathews


Our Partners

Core Values

We are committed to serving our clients.

We serve our clients without judgement

We respect the courage it takes to ask for help

We are committed to providing endless opportunities

“Sin shall no longer be your master because you are not under the law but under grace.”

- Romans 6:12-14

Our Inspiration

The organization originated from two instrumental women who had to deal with complex issues in life, such as abuse, foster care, and mental health. Through grace, they had the ability to minister life into others, gain knowledge about the Lord and having purpose. Solely inspired by their own faith to have unselfish, and unconditional love. With each experiencing different levels of trauma they demonstrated the capacity to build lasting relationships and stability amongst the family.


Living Under Grace founded in 2019 by Sameera Moore with a vision to give back to the community by building up our youth and providing pathways to success. Driven to aid our youth in succeeding against all odds.

We want to focus on these younger ages and support them in making positive choices that will turn their lives around and set them up for future success. Offering a full range of services through multiple facilities that will allow our clients to focus on their restoration and advancement through life without outside distractions or temptations.

Upon exiting our program with a renewed mind and skill set that will allow themselves and families to remain intact.

Our Programs

Upcoming Events

February 12, 2022 - Flowers of Grace

Flowers of Grace! LUG has been granted the opportunity to partner with local flower shops in hopes to bring awareness of positivity among our youth. This coming February Living Under Grace will be in schools near you. Our organization will be selling flowers for a cause. We want to bring back traditions in hopes to establish better relationships in our local communities. A portion of all proceeds from purchased flowers will go to Living Under Grace Inc and the development of programs and increased opportunities.

May 14, 2022 - Inaugural Networking Expo

Living Under Grace Inc. presents the Inaugural Networking Expo. Located in Cleveland Ohio, LUG will be hosting an amazing opportunity for nonprofits and business owners to all be together collectively. We will be granting each organization a brief opportunity to give some insight into the services or resources they provide. All business that may have a product for display will have the option to sell them at a small vendors table. Registration information TBA.


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